If you are a business and want to donate a gift certificate or item to be used in our annual auction in May to raise funds for nursing student scholarships, please download and fill out our Auction Donor Form. Thank you for your support!
Please click the “Donate” button below and enter the amount of your contribution.All contributions are tax deductible under our 501(c)(3) status. You will receive an official donation receipt for your taxes.
Want to donate in honor of a special person? Include the statement "In honor of______" in the "add special instructions to the seller" section once you enter an amount.
When you donate to the King County Nurses Association Scholarship Fund, every penny of your donation goes directly to help deserving nursing students in King County!
We awarded 15 scholarships of $4,000 each in 2024 to nursing students attending school and pursuing basic, RNB and graduate degrees.
The need is great and we need your help to Make Dreams Happen. Please consider donating to ensure the future of nursing in our community!
We accept donations for the scholarship fund all year round.
Scholarships are available to students who live or attend accredited schools in King County. Students demonstrate an understanding of equity and social justice through creative ideas to improve health disparities in our community. They embody the values of collaboration, compassion, innovation and community wellness. Since 1993, KCNA has awarded $797,750 to 335 nursing students!
KCNA accepts donations from individuals, as well as donations of items and services from area businesses (to benefit the annual scholarship auction). To make an online donation with a credit card, simply click here >
Or, mail a check payable to KCNA to:
King County Nurses Association, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, #352, Seattle, WA 98103.
The MentorLink project provides opportunities for new nurses and experienced nurses to connect, share and learn.
KCNA offers continuing nursing education and other events. Explore self-nurturing practices.
King County Nurses Association. All Rights Reserved - Website by Totera - Accessibility Statement
King County Nurses Association